Car Moving Services for the Birds

Car Moving Services for the Birds

Being a snowbird has so many advantages, but unfortunately it can also take a lot of effort. Snowbirds have a lot of things to organize every year before the pilgrimage to Florida and other sunny states. And with the weather cooling down, now is a great time to start thinking about how you can chase some sunshine this year without exhausting yourself in the process.

Make Your List Early

If you haven’t already made a list of things you have to do before you leave for your summer home, now is definitely the time to start. Being a snowbird means you have to arrange relocating twice a year – once when you go south, and once when you head back north.

With that in mind, getting everything ready before you go will obviously take a lot of effort. Some things you have to consider before leaving for your summer home this year includes:

  • Pets: If you have any animals, you’ll either have to find them a winter home at a friend or family member’s place, or you’d have to arrange to take them with you.
  • Transport: Once you’re in Florida (or any other sunny state, for that matter) you’ll need to get around. Will you take your car with you, or leave it behind. If you choose to leave your car behind, you’ll have to leave it at a friend and ask that they switch the engine on and let it run a bit every once in a while. Leaving a car standing in the garage for six months without ever switching it on is a very bad idea.
  • Paperwork: Be sure you handle any necessary paperwork before you leave, you wouldn’t want to arrive at your winter home only to realize you forgot to deal with any necessary paperwork before leaving.

Leaving your regular home for a whole season isn’t going to be easy. There will be plenty of things to organize. The above is only a broad outline of what you’ll need to do before leaving. To make things easier for yourself, be sure to keep a list handy so you can write down whenever you remember something that still needs to be done before you leave.

Vehicle Shipping Agent Port St Lucie FL

Arranging Snowbird Transport

When it comes to arranging transport as a snowbird, you have a few options available to you. Here are the things you can do so you’ll have a set of wheels while enjoying the sunshine:

  • Drive down yourself: Driving your car down yourself will be expensive in gas and accommodation, but if you’ve wanted to do a road trip for a while now, this is the perfect option for you.
  • Car moving services: In most cases, your best option is to hire an auto transport company to help move your car from A to B. Doing this has many advantages. When you go for this option, you can simply book a flight to your destination.
  • Hire a driver: You also have the option to book a flight and hire a driver to drive your car to Florida. Doing this can possibly be cheaper in accommodation, seeing as you’ll only need to book accommodation for one person, but it can be difficult to find drivers and you’ll still need to pay for fuel.
  • Leave your car behind: If you leave your car behind, transporting it won’t be an issue, but this option comes with its own, unique challenges. When you do things this way, you’ll have to see to it that your car is well taken care of where you leave it. Once you’re at your destination, you’ll either have to use public get a rental, use public transport or buy a cheap car and sell it again after the season.

Of all your options, the easiest, cheapest and most accessible one has to be using an auto transport service to move your car.

Snowbird Car Shipping Services

There are various reasons why shipping your car is the best option for snowbirds:

  • No extra mileage: Mileage plays a huge role in your car’s value. If you drive your car thousands of miles twice a year, the vehicle’s value can drop by thousands of dollars.
  • Minimal accident risk: In all honesty even auto carrier trucks can get involved in accidents (although it almost never happens, there are always uncertainties in life). However, a good auto shipping company will include insurance in the price you pay for the car shipping service, so even in the case of an accident, you’ll have peace of mind that your vehicle isn’t at risk.
  • No fuel expenses: Compared to driving down yourself, gas expenses are way cheaper to cover when your car is on a carrier with other vehicles.
  • Keep your tires safe: Tires are expensive, and your tires will wear down a considerable amount if you drive such a long distance. However, your real concern driving such a long distance shouldn’t be tire wear, but other tire damage that leaves you stranded by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere.

What should be obvious is that some drives are just not worth the time and expense. Using a car moving service such as Shipping A Car can help get your vehicle to your winter home without the need to drive it yourself for 1,000 miles or more.

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