How To Avoid Getting Scammed By A Car Shipping Company

How To Avoid Getting Scammed By A Car Shipping Company

How To Avoid Getting Scammed By A Car Shipping Company

In the past, car shipping companies were only available to the wealthy, but nowadays anyone can find a shipping company that is within his or her budget. Unfortunately, along with the increase of affordable shipping companies, the number of scam companies has grown as well. With the latest technology, websites and even customer service can appear very legitimate, but not all of them are trustable. It is extremely easy for shipping companies to steal your vehicle or take out money from your account without notifying you. To avoid getting scammed, check out some of these simple tips to help you.

Vehicle Shipping Agent Port St Lucie FL

Tips To Verify The Legitimacy Of A Car Shipping Company

  1. Check The Company’s References: Most companies’ customers will have posted a review if their experience was absolutely outstanding or very poorly. Make sure to check out a couple of different reviews online, along with calling the company itself and asking them to give you some references.
  2. Pay Extra Close Attention To Your Car Moving Contract: Before you car gets shipped, every company has to give you a contract. Your salesperson should explain all the details and charges. If the end price is not exactly the same, then you could have been scammed and the shipping company could have possibly added hidden charges, which is breaking the contract.
  3. Look Into Any Free Claims And Suspiciously Low Fees: Every company has to make some sort of profit to avoid bankruptcy. If a company is claiming they will offer something free, then it is a warning that it may be a scam. Also, very low and unrealistic prices can be warnings of a scam as well. Scam companies will draw in naive people by offering ridiculously low prices and later get their credit card information and scam them.
  4. Find Out The Method Of Payment: A legitimate company will mail you the bill or let you pay online through a verified and secure service. A scam company will ask directly for your credit card information via phone or email. Some will even go to the extent of asking for your personal information such as your social security number, and this is the biggest red flag you can get. No legit company will ask you such personal questions directly.
  5. Get To Know Your Driver: Sometimes even if your shipping company seems reliable, your driver may not be. It is important to ask for your driver’s name and contact information, that is reliable, before putting down any deposit. Also, having your driver’s personal information will be very helpful if something goes wrong because then you can just call him/her and ask what is going on.

Choose Shipping A Car

Moving can cause a massive amount of stress, but not having a car shipping company that is legitimate, trustworthy, and dependable can further increase your amount of stress. Check out the company Shipping A Car to make sure you have a stress-free experience. To get a free estimate, check out our website or give us a call at 888-791-9148.

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  • How To Avoid Getting Scammed By A Car Shipping Company - Life Scoop Reply

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    August 7, 2018 at 7:29 pm

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