Shipping a Car as a College Student
Believe it or not, the American student population represents a decent portion of the car shipping market. With so many different colleges and universities spread out across the country, many students can’t make the drive, so they either ship their vehicles or have their parents help them ship it. With the end of the school year hitting for most colleges across the country and just a couple short months for summer classes and then fall semester rolls around, it is a great time to start looking at how you will get your car shipped home for the summer and back to campus next semester!
Why should a student ship their car? Shipping your car is good because, not only is it generally cheaper and safer for the student to ship a vehicle than drive it the same distance, especially if there’s thousands of miles in between, but also because auto shipping companies are always eager to help out students who are looking to ship their vehicles to or from their university. There are a few different ways that you can save some money by shipping a vehicle back to school over driving it, and we’ll explain some of them below – as well as how to take advantage of them.
Many major universities are located in large, populated metro areas. Since auto shippers are already running routes to and from those areas, you’re going to be able to find discounts during peak shipping times. Students tend to ship in the weeks before school is back in session, and a lot of companies are attuned to that and will provide great discounts for services when you tell them that you’re a student. This is a pretty common sales pitch, but what’s more important, is that your discount won’t affect the quality of your service.
As a student you’ll want to discuss where exactly your vehicle will be picked up and delivered to, as some carriers won’t be able to get directly to your dorm or on your campus. Auto transporters prefer to pickup and deliver vehicles in large parking lots or other areas where they have plenty of room to maneuver. Don’t worry – it’s still door to door service in that you won’t need to drop your vehicle off at a terminal, and you will meet with the carrier yourself (or, if you cannot be there, a friend, parent, co-worker, neighbor, fellow student, etc.), as you will need to do a pickup and delivery inspection of your vehicle – one at pickup to note any current damage, if any, and one at delivery to compare to ensure there is no new damage.
If you’re interested in shipping a vehicle to or from your university and need to know more about how much it will cost and the services available to you, take a minute to fill out our free online auto transport quote request form. When you do, you’ll get a quote back from us and we are sure it will be a rate you can easily stomach on a tight student budget! Shipping A Car looks forward to helping you get your car to and from the campus, so it’s one less thing you have to worry about as you gear up for the summer off or the start of a new semester!